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On fakes, plots and handshakes: Mr. Khatami in Udine and “YouTube” video

Pubblicato il 27/06/2007 - Sounds Iranian

I gestori del blog “Sounds Iranian”  mi contattarono via mail per conoscere la mia versione dello scandalo delle strette di mano “proibite” dell’ex presidente iraniano Mohammad Khatami a Udine, storia che in quel momento risultava parecchio confusa, da cui il motivo per contattare colui che, girando il video poi pubblicato su YouTube che mostrava Khatami intento a compiere gli atti illeciti, ha scatenato tutto quel putiferio.  I gestori del blog mi chiesero di raccontare quel che era successo dal mio personale punto di vista, e mi diedero le chiavi di accesso al blog. I miei post, alla fine, furono tre e questo è l’ultimo. La versione originale è qui.Udine, Italy

Dear friends of “Sounds Iranian”

I have one last word to say about my video “Khatami Exit-2”. The movie was recorded in Udine, Italy, last 12th of may, some minutes after 1.30 p.m. And, I must add, it is authentical.

“Khatami Exit-2” is a seven minute video which was published by my site, “la casbah di Udine”, in the context of an entire series regarding mr. Khatami’s visit in Udine. The movie shows your former president at the end of a long speech receiving claps, greetings, hugs, kisses. And handshakes.

My video came then to represent, in our point of view, a sign of succes. Don’t ask our opinion on the handshakes. If you insist, we will gladly say that we consider them part of a bigger news: the warm welcome our town gave to a man which, last 12th of may, symbolized a hope. The hope of a dialogue between two worlds which too many times seem colliding. Look at the several “thanks and goodbye” mr. Khatami receives during his seven minutes walk and you’ll probably come to the same conclusion.

There is another, not less important point I wish to underline. Everybody can see now that the situation is completely out of control. There are hundreds maybe thousands of copies of “Khatami Exit-2” fluctuating on the internet, “embedded” in web sites and blogs. And this is not the real problem. The problem comes from the “new” copies, made by people who “steal” the original images in order to create their own Khatami video. And use it for their own purposes.

These purposes clearly do not adhere to mine. But I know that, in the eyes of many, these difference do not exist. My website entered all the way in the struggle consuming Iran’s soul and became, unintentionally, a “tool”. Or maybe not so unintentionally, someone say. Ask Langley, they suggest. Ask the neocon. Ask Bush.

You can ask whomever you want, but if you ask me I will give you a short answer. I am choosing the same words used as caption in the last video of “la casbah di Udine”. A video dedicated to mr. Khatami’s visit and the ensuing scandal.

Mr. Khatami came to Udine shaking hands. Welcome to Udine Mr. Khatami.


caso KhatamiIranIslamKhatami MohammadmediaSounds IranianUdine

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